The Greinplast WOS wood impregnating oil is based on natural linseed oil and the addition of UV protective filters. The product is extremely easy to apply; deeply impregnates and dyes the wood. Available in 16 colours according to Greinplast colour chart. Linseed oil is a natural, environmentally-friendly wood preservative that, in addition to its exceptional protection properties, is also resistant to weather conditions. It accentuates the natural structure of the wood, regulates its humidity, facilitates free-breathing and gives a smooth, silky and pleasing to the touch surface. In combination with the GREINPLAST WB BIOACTIVE WOOD PRIMING IMPREGNATING AGENT, it provides excellent wood protection.
It is used for making decorative and protective priming or renovation layers for garden architecture elements (e.g. fences, pergolas, summer houses, bridges, etc.), garden furniture, wooden façade elements, and first of all, terrace boards and other wooden elements requiring this type of surface protection to give them aesthetic and protective properties, as well as to accentuate the natural look of wood. The oil penetrates perfectly into the wood and thanks to this the wood breathes freely and the resulting coating does not peel.
Unit packaging: 0.8 l, 2.4 l
Mix the product thoroughly before use and check the colour (do a test painting on a small area). The final colour effect depends on the thickness and number of applied layers, the type of wood, its surface finish and the method of application. Wood protected with Greinplast WB should be covered with one or two layers of the product, depending on the absorbency of the substrate. Between applying subsequent coats leave the painted elements for 12 to 24 hours – until dry. Each successive layer increases the colour intensity. The product should be applied with a brush, cloth or by immersion. Remove any excess product up to 20 minutes after finishing the application. Caution! Protect used and oil-stained cloths or papers from sunlight and store them outside in a tightly closed container filled with water. Otherwise, improper storage may cause auto-ignition.
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