Greinplast WIS is a film forming impregnating agent based on modified alkyd resins, linseed oil and UV protective filters. Available in 16 colours according to Greinplast colour chart. The product deeply penetrates the structure of the wood, perfectly impregnating it. In combination with the GREINPLAST WB BIOACTIVE WOOD PRIMING IMPREGNATING AGENT, it forms a barrier preventing the impact of harmful factors destroying wood. It accentuates the natural appearance, giving its natural character. The product does not peel, is flexible, regulates the moisture content of the wood, and its innovative composition provides the durability of colour and high resistance to weather conditions and water penetration. It provides excellent wood protection for up to 6 years.
It is used for making decorative and protective layers of the original or renovated garden architecture elements (e.g. fences, pergolas, summer houses, bridges, etc.), garden furniture, wooden façade elements, terraces made of larch boards and other wooden elements requiring this type of surface protection, in order to give them aesthetic values and emphasise the natural look of wood.
Unit packaging: 0.8 l, 2.4 l, 4.8 l
Mix the product thoroughly before use and check the colour (do a test painting on a small area). The final colour effect depends on the thickness and number of applied layers, the type of wood, its surface finish and the method of impregnating agent application. Wood protected with Greinplast WB should be covered with two or three layers of the product, depending on the absorbency of the substrate. Between applying subsequent coats leave the painted elements for about 24 hours – until dry. Before applying each subsequent coat, it is recommended to perform intermediate sanding to ensure better adhesion between coats. Each successive layer increases the gloss and intensity of the colour. The product should be applied with brush, roller or by immersion.
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