A polymer-modified bitumen compound produced by mixing two components: liquid COMPONENT A (water emulsion of bitumens, rubbers and improvers) and loose COMPONENT B (modified types of cement, quartz sand, additives). GREINPLAST IBM is used to perform jointless waterproof coatings on typical vertical and horizontal ground-level parts of construction objects such as foundation walls, basement walls, foundation slabs to insulate floors on the ground, to perform vapour-proof layers on terraces and roof slabs etc. Substrate preparation: The substrate must be clean, frost-free, sound, even, and free from honeycombing and open scratches, burrs, bleeding water and other substances that reduce adhesion. It is recommended to remove any protruding mortar residues. The external edges should be chamfered while the internal edges should be properly rounded by making covings with a radius of 4-5 cm. GREINPLAST IBM can be applied on dry or slightly damp substrates. If the masonry has flat joints, there is no need for a levelling layer, except when a waterproofing coating is to be applied (pressurised water or retained runoff water). Then the surface should be levelled using cement mortars designed for this purpose. It is not recommended for use on building elements exposed to negative water pressure, as this may lead to tearing of the insulation layer or the creation of blisters on its surface. Before the application of GREINPLAST IBM, the substrate should be primed with the GREINPLAST IBG priming agent.
Packed in 30 kg containers.