A blend of dispersions of acrylic copolymers, mineral fillers, marble aggregates, organic and non-organic pigments, modifying and preserving agents, micro-encapsuled surface protecting agents and water. The product is available in the colours according to the Producer's colour palette. On customer's demand, a different colour scheme, prepared in the Greinplast Colouring System. For performing primecoats under thin-layered bio-hydrophonic GREINPLAST TPB ''POLISILEX” in order to increase the adhesivity of its surface, decrease the risk of abrasions in the plaster layer, equalise water absorption and water resistance of the base. The coating protection agents in the primer additionally protect the plaster layer and secure the primer layer against the formation of micro-organisms, in the case when it needs to be left for a longer period of time without being plastered. warte w farbie gruntującej środki ochrony powłoki stanowią dodatkowe zabezpieczenie dla powłoki tynku oraz zabezpieczają powłokę farby gruntującej przed wzrostem mikroorganizmów, gdy istnieje konieczność pozostawienia jej bez wyprawy tynkarskiej na dłuższy okres czasu. The primer can be applied manually or by spraying, on any typical and stable mineral bases, such as: concrete, cement and cement-limestone plasters, on net-reinforced layers in the Greinplast insulation system. It is an integral element of the set of products in GREINPLAST EPS insulation systems with thin-layered GREINPLAST TPB plaster (accroding to the respective Technical Analysis).
The actual plastering works may only be commenced after the surface has been properly prepared and has fully dried. Before commencing the painting works, the primer needs to be thoroughly mixed with the use of a slow-speed mixer. The primer is to be applied evenly on the surface with a brush or plastering machine.
Show moreThe surface and ambient temperature during the application and the drying of the plaster should be between +5°C and +30°C. The optimal temperature during the application: +20°C. The plaster should not be applied in strong wind, during direct insolation, rainfall, without the use of safety devices (nets, canvas covers).These conditions are to be held until the primer has fully dried. Long-lasting increased ambient humidity and temperatures below +5°C have a negative impact on the primer drying process, hence these conditions are to be avoided. Ignoring the above guidelines or an improper preparation of the surface may lead to deterioration of durability of the primecoat, and even to its future loosening along with the plaster layer. Since visible abrasions may occur on the performed layer of decorative plaster, the Manufacturer recommends dying the GREINPLAST PP primer to- the same colour as the colour of the plaster. In the case of GREINPLAST TPB plasters in colours of HBW lightness coefficient >60, the primer should be white or have the same hue as the plaster (pastel colours and part of mid-tones. In the case of GREINPLAST TPB plasters in colours of HBW lightness coefficient <60, the primer should have the same hue as the plaster (full tone colours and part of mid-tones). The surfaces at risk of being stained by primer, are to be secured, and in case of a stain, they are to be cleaned before the paint dries. Tools are to be washed under water directly after the works have been finished. This information aims to provide an optimal use of the product, is not however a basis for any legal responsibility of the Manufacturer, as the conditions of use remain beyond the Manufacturer's control. The works are to be performed in accordance with good construction practices. In the case of coming in contact with products of other Manufacturers or products that have not been specified in the referral documents (Technical Analysis), we are not to be held responsible.